## Matchstick Piehouse Saved and Set to Reopen as Workers’ Co-op
London’s beloved Matchstick Piehouse, located in the Deptford railway arches, has successfully been saved from closure and is now set to re-open as a workers’ co-op. Last November, the venue faced a threat of closure as the landlord demanded £35,000 in rent arrears. Despite raising around £30,000 in donations, the venue lost the battle with its landlord due to COVID-19 rent arrears.
## Piehouse Co-op: A New Beginning for Matchstick Piehouse
A group of former Matchstick staff, resident artists, staff from other grassroots venues, and the Music Venue Trust (MVT) have come together to form a new workers co-op under the name Piehouse Co-op. After a year of negotiations, the venue is now on track to re-open in spring 2025. The 150-capacity venue, known for its wheelchair accessibility, is currently unfurnished and in need of lights, sound, and furniture.
## Fundraising Efforts for the Grand Reopening
To secure its grand opening later in the year, Piehouse Co-op is fundraising for £15,000 by February 2025. The funds will cover worker co-op staff time, venue equipment, professional consultancy, rent, and additional costs such as insurance and utilities. Those interested in supporting the venue can donate and find more information on their crowdfunding page.
## Kate Nash and the Fight for UK Live Music Scene
The struggles faced by Matchstick Piehouse reflect the broader concerns for the UK live music scene, as highlighted by singer-songwriter Kate Nash. Nash has been campaigning to raise awareness about the financial pressures facing local venue owners and emerging artists. Her Butts for Tour Buses campaign aims to support the music industry and help raise funds for her upcoming UK and European tour. Nash’s efforts shed light on the challenges facing artists and the touring industry in the current climate.
La reciente declaración presupuestaria ha generado preocupación en la industria musical del Reino Unido, ya que el Music Venue Trust advierte que una ola de cierres amenaza el tejido de la escena musical del país. La crisis se agrava con el colapso total de las giras, lo que afecta tanto a los locales como a los artistas.
Apoyo de ASM Global a los locales de música
En un gesto significativo de solidaridad, las arenas de ASM Global se han unido al Music Venue Trust para brindar apoyo a los locales de música más pequeños en todo el país. Esta colaboración busca respaldar a los sitios de base y garantizar su supervivencia en medio de la crisis que enfrenta la industria musical británica.
Un rayo de esperanza para los locales de música
Ante la incertidumbre y el riesgo de cierres masivos, la unión entre ASM Global y Music Venue Trust representa un rayo de esperanza para los locales de música en el Reino Unido. Esta colaboración demuestra la importancia de la solidaridad y el trabajo conjunto para preservar la diversidad y vitalidad de la escena musical del país.
Un paso clave en medio de la crisis
La iniciativa de ASM Global y Music Venue Trust marca un paso clave en la lucha por la supervivencia de los locales de música en el Reino Unido. Con este apoyo, se espera que los sitios de base puedan resistir la crisis actual y seguir siendo espacios fundamentales para la música en el país.