## Jamey Jasta criticizes Tool’s album ‘Fear Inoculum’

During an appearance on the This Day In Metal podcast, Hatebreed’s Jamey Jasta shared his thoughts on dealing with critics and took a swipe at Tool and their 2019 album ‘Fear Inoculum’. Jasta emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and creating authentic work that resonates with the audience, despite potential negative feedback.

## Jasta compares ‘Fear Inoculum’ to “spa music”

In his critique, Jasta described Tool’s ‘Fear Inoculum’ as sounding like “spa music” and expressed his disappointment with the album. He highlighted the subjective nature of reviews, noting that even if one person dismisses a record, it may still find its audience over time. Jasta encouraged artists to persevere and have faith in their work finding the right listeners.

## Tool’s ‘Fear Inoculum’ receives critical acclaim

Despite Jasta’s criticism, Tool’s ‘Fear Inoculum’ received widespread acclaim, with NME awarding the album a five-star review. The publication praised the band for creating a record that relies on emotion and heart, marking a departure from their usual cerebral approach. The album, Tool’s fifth LP, was highly anticipated after a 13-year gap since their previous release.

## Conclusion: Tool’s triumphant return with ‘Fear Inoculum’

Tool’s ‘Fear Inoculum’ marked a triumphant return for the band, showcasing their ability to evolve while maintaining their signature sound. The album’s success and critical acclaim demonstrate the enduring appeal of Tool’s music and their ability to connect with listeners on a deep emotional level. Despite differing opinions, ‘Fear Inoculum’ has solidified Tool’s status as one of the most influential and innovative bands in the rock genre.

En una reciente entrevista con NME, Justin Chancellor de Tool habló sobre el proceso de creación de su último proyecto musical. Según el músico, el tiempo de gestación de ‘Fear Inoculum’ se extendió más de lo esperado debido a la presión de superarse a sí mismos y crear algo nuevo y auténtico.

Un proceso creativo complejo

Chancellor explicó que en esta ocasión, el proceso creativo fue más complejo que en trabajos anteriores. Hubo momentos de frustración, en los que tuvieron que desechar ideas y tomar distancia para obtener una perspectiva fresca. El músico destacó la importancia de permitirse caminar lejos cuando se sienten atascados en la creación.

Curiosidades del mundo musical

En otras noticias, la vocalista de Halestorm, Lzzy Hale, reveló recientemente que terminó una relación sentimental porque su pareja se quedó dormida durante un concierto de Tool. Este curioso hecho demuestra la pasión y entrega de los fans hacia la música que aman.

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